Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Gathapraya, A Culture-Themed Festival


So what is Gathapraya? Gathapraya is a culture-themed festival hosted by my school, SMAN 3 Bandung. Actually, every year our school hosts a culture-themed festival and the name of this year's festival is Gathapraya. It was hosted on the 30th of sptember 2017. I myself had the pleasure to come to the festival with my friends. Even though the festival was a open-for-everybody event, the targeted audience were teenagers and young adults. It was hoped that through this culture-themed festival, the people who came would go home having more nationalism and patriotism towards our country, Indonesia. The event's commitee are students of SMAN 3 Bandung itself and they worked very hard two months before the event to ensure the success of the festival.

So what does this culture-themed festival called Gathapraya offer? The festival opens for entry at noon and can be entered until up to 17.00 PM.  Inside, there are various different foods and beverages for sale but it is quite pricey. from noon to around six there were various performances by the school's bands, angklung, TST, and a few other lesser known bands. And after six o' clock the main event started which featured performances from famous and well known bands Elephant Kind, Hivi!, and Nidji. It was very enjoyable and lively. 

At the end, Gathapraya turned out to be a very very good event. The hardwork of the commitee payed off because the festival was very neat and organized, and there were no accidents or unwanted occurences. I had a very good time in Gathapraya and wish to come to next years culture-themed festival from SMAN 3 Bandung!!